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What is the Petition?

"Petition" is a request, complaint or referral bringing to our attention facts that affect the rights or interests of the petitioner, made in writing and filed at the BTCP head office or branch offices, as the case may be, sent by post or electronic mail or by online system, by means of which a petitioner or his/her legal representatives, acting exclusively on behalf of the petitioner and without any commercial interest of their own, expresses dissatisfaction with the investment service and activity provided under Law No. 126/2018 or to the information provided by BTCP following requests for information received from the petitioners; "petitioner" means any natural or legal person, client/investor of BT Capital Partners, who submits a petition to BT Capital Partners regarding the investment service and activity provided under Law No. 126/2018;

Petitions filed by petitioners must contain:

- Full name;

- Personal Identification Number (PIN);

- Contact details of the complainant (address, telephone number, e-mail);

- Signature.

The Compliance function is the structure within BT Capital Partners responsible for overseeing the resolution and management of petitions. The BTCP Compliance Function representative is: Iulia Voica (e-mail: , tel.: 0264.430.564) - Head Office Cluj-Napoca

BT Capital Partners will respond to each petition received from petitioners in simple and understandable language, within a maximum of 30 days from the date of its registration with the General Secretariat, regardless of whether the resolution is favorable or unfavorable, by sending by any means of communication (mail, e-mail) an address signed by the Management and Compliance Function Representative of BTCP. If the issues raised in the petition require further investigation, BT Capital Partners will inform the petitioner of the reasons for the delay and will specify the timeframe within which the petition will be resolved, which may not exceed 15 days from the registration of the petition.

If the petition is not formulated by the petitioner, it must additionally contain the following information about the person formulating the petition:
  • Full name;
  • Contact details (address, telephone number, e-mail);
  • Quality and interest concerned;
  • Signature.
Within a maximum of 2 working days from the date of registration of the petition at the General Secretariat, or at any time at the request of the petitioner, the Representative of the Compliance Function:
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AI Search is a pilot project - in beta - that uses GPT-4o technology to simplify the process of finding and understanding banking products.

AI Search is trained to answer questions that relate exclusively to the banking products offered by BT, but in certain situations and depending on the questions asked, it may also answer general questions. The answers provided are automatically generated and should be used for information purposes only. The Service may sometimes provide inaccurate or potentially offensive content that does not represent the views of Banca Transilvania. You are solely responsible for your use of content generated by this service in any way. Do not rely on this service for financial, legal or other professional advice and do not enter any personal data or other confidential information into this service.

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Banca Transilvania does not provide any guarantee regarding the answers provided by this service.

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