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PREH corporate events notification

PREFAB S.A. informs you that on 17.07.2024, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders was held. During this meeting, the company's shareholders decided the following:

I.1. The merger by absorption between PREFAB S.A. as the absorbing company and PREFAB INVEST S.A. and ROMERICA INTERNATIONAL S.R.L., as the absorbed companies, is approved. I.2. The procedure for the withdrawal of the shareholders who wish to exercise their right of withdrawal from the company in accordance with art. 134 of Law no. 31/1990 is approved. I.3. The price to be paid by PREFAB S.A. to the shareholders who will exercise their right of withdrawal in accordance with art. 134 of Law no. 31/1990 is approved, namely the amount of 3.9975 lei/share. II.1. Setting the date of October 16, 2024 as the record date and October 15, 2024 as the ex-date.

For details please see the current Report on the Resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders.