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ONE Corporate Event Notification

The management of One United Properties S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") informs the market about the Decision of the Board of Directors, attached to this current report, which established the new relevant dates applicable to the operation of consolidation of the nominal value of the Company's shares, which was in its turn approved by the Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of October 10, 2024 ("EGM Resolution"), respectively:

04.02.2025 as registration date, 03.02.2025 as ex-date, 05.02.2025 as payment date, respectively 10.02.2025 as payment date for fractional shares.

The amendment of the relevant data applicable to the operation of consolidation of the nominal value of the Company's shares, as approved by the AGEA Resolution, was necessary because the process of registration of the nominal value consolidation with the Trade Register Office before the Bucharest Court, the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Central Depository is still ongoing at this moment, considering the delays delays encountered in the process of filing for publication of the AGEA's resolution.

ONE UNITED PROPERTIES informs you that on 10.10.2024, the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders was held.

At this meeting, the company's shareholders decided the following:

I.1To approve the distribution of interim dividends for the first six months of the financial year ending December 31, 2024 in the amount of RON 38,288,575.17 (gross), i.e. a dividend of RON 0.01 per share (gross, by reference to the total number of shares issued by the Company on the date of the AGM) out of the distributable net profit in the amount of RON 140.868,290 RON (of which 74,215,539 RON represents the distributable net profit for the first half of the financial year ending on December 31, 2024). I.2. Establishment of October 30, 2024 as record date, October 29, 2024 as ex-date, November 11, 2024 as payment date. II.1. Consolidation of the nominal value of a share issued by the Company from the nominal value of RON 0.2/share to the nominal value of RON 10/share, by increasing the nominal value of the shares concomitantly with the reduction of the total number of shares (50 shares with a nominal value of RON 0.2/share will represent one share with a nominal value of RON 10/share) ('Nominal Value Consolidation'), the total number of shares in the share capital of the Company resulting from the Nominal Value Consolidation will be equal to the number of shares issued prior to the Nominal Value Consolidation divided by 50, representing the ratio between the consolidated nominal value (RON 10/share) and the nominal value prior to the Nominal Value Consolidation (RON 0.2/share), subject to adjustments made in accordance with the legal provisions in force (i.e., if the application of the Nominal Value Consolidation results in fractions of shares, the number of shares will be rounded down to the lower integer). II.2. The proposal of the Board of Directors to establish a price in the amount of 46,225 RON/consolidated share, for the compensation of fractions of shares resulting from the Consolidation of the Nominal Value, is approved. The proposed price was calculated by multiplying the amount of RON 0.9245 (representing the average trading value of the share with a nominal value of RON 0.2, referring to the last 12 months prior to the convocation of the AGEA, adjusted for changes generated by any corporate events in this period, if applicable) by 50 (representing the ratio between the consolidated nominal value (RON 10/share) and the nominal value prior to the Nominal Value Consolidation (RON 0.2/share)). II.3. Setting the date of 11.12.2024 as registration date, 10.12.2024 as ex-date, 12.12.2024 as payment date. 19.12.2024 as payment date for fractional shares. For details please see the current report on the Resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

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