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INTA corporate events notification

INDEPENDENTA S.A. SIBIU informs you that on 03.07.2024, the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders took place.

At this meeting, the company's shareholders decided the following:

I.1. To approve the distribution of the amount of 1,005,092.90 lei, i.e. a gross dividend of 0.35 lei/share, from the reconstituted profit by transferring the respective amount from the balance as at 31.12.2023 of the 'Other reserves' account to the dividend account, as a result of the reversal of the distribution of the net profit from previous years approved by the AGOA.

I.2. Setting the date of 13.08.2024 as registration date, 12.08.2024 as ex-date, payment date 30.08.2024.

For details please see the current Report on the Resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders.