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CEON corporate events notification

CEMACON S.A., informs you that on 03.06.2024, the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority decided the following:

It is approved the announcement by which the company Paval Holding S.R.L. Bacau, together with the company PIF Industrial S.R.L. Bacau, the person with which it acts in concert, expresses its intention to initiate the procedure for the withdrawal of the shareholders of the company CEMACON S.A. Cluj-Napoca, at the price of 0.4395 lei/share. The shares of CEMACON S.A. Cluj-Napoca will be suspended from trading as of 10.06.2024. In accordance with the provisions of the capital market legislation, the existing shareholders are obliged to sell the shares held to the shareholder PAVAL HOLDING S.R.L. Bacau, which initiates the procedure together with the shareholder with whom it acts in concert and may notify the Intermediary, within a maximum of 10 working days from the date of publication of this announcement, i.e. from 06.06.2024 until 19.06.2024, on the method chosen for the payment of the shares held. The intermediary through which the withdrawal of the shareholders is carried out is S.S.I.F. ESTINVEST S.A., a financial investment services company, with registered office in Focsani, Republicii Street, no. 9, telephone 0237/238900. For more details please go to Shareholder withdrawal announcement