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Corporate events notification 4RT

of FORT S.A. informs you that on 02.07.2024, the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders was held.

At this meeting, the company's shareholders decided the following:

I.1. The distribution by destinations of the profit realized in 2023 is approved, of which 1,008,835.74 lei for dividends. Gross dividend 0.99 lei/share.

I.2. Setting the date of 13.08.2024 as the record date, 12.08.2024 as ex-date, 20.08.2024 as the record date. The increase of the share capital by the amount of 1,019,026 lei through the issuance of 10,190,260 new shares with a par value of 0.1 lei/share for the benefit of the shareholders registered in the register of shareholders kept by the Central Depository, on the record date established by the AGEA. The distribution of the newly issued shares will be made in the proportion of 10 free shares for each 1 share held. If in the case of a shareholder the application of the proportion results in a number of shares which is not a whole number, the new number of shares to be received shall be calculated by rounding down to the nearest whole number. The Company shall compensate the shareholders for the resulting fractions through the Central Depositary. The share capital will be increased by capitalizing the share premiums in the amount of 1,019,026 lei. II.2. Setting the date of 17.09.2024 as the record date, 16.09.2024 as the ex-date, 18.09.2024 as the payment date. For details please see the current report on the Resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders.